Yes - Suprise suprise, it still exists!
It's great value and the membership kit is pretty good. We have fifty membership kits left, containing backcopies of newsletters etc. The fifty also contain a Hooks photo (8 x 10 size).
Contact Address
Skyhooks Club
P.O. Box 50
Kalorama, Vic. 3766
Australian Fans
- Cost to join: AU$15.00 plus 3 x AU$1.50 stamps.
- Make all cheques/money orders payable to "Peter Green".
- Include a stamped self-addressed envelope, and a note mentioning that you would like to join the 'Hooks Club.
Overseas Fans
Send us a note mentioning that you would like to join the 'Hooks Club, your name and address, and an I.R.C. (International Reply Coupon - Available at all post offices) and we'll send you a form.
Skyhooks on Facebook
The albums, costumes, the band members and especially the music! Daily updates with images, clippings and videos from the archives.